Results of the Italian Pilot Testing

Skill Up ended the year and the 11th month of the project with the Italian pilot testing of the ERM materials, led by trainers Maria Chiara Di Francesco and Asia Silvestri.

The feedback was remarkably and overwhelmingly positive and reinforced how needed projects like ERM are for this target group; young adults want and need to talk about emotions, about emotional management and about how emotions tie into behaviours and values.

The trainers managed to create a positive and safe atmosphere during the training, which proved essential in covering sensitive topics like gendered violence and emotional literacy. It allowed participants to truly connect with each other and with the trainer, and created a judgment-free space where they can express their thoughts and feelings. A moment that was particularly appreciated was when a male participant commented that most times behaviours connected to the code of honour are implemented by young men because they think women find it attractive. The immediate but very gentle response from the young women in the room was that this is a misconception, because most women value empathy, understanding and social skills in their potential partners. The moment highlighted how the participants felt comfortable enough to relate the topics to their personal lives and to express the link out loud, but also how a kind and welcoming atmosphere was maintained even in disagreement.

All in all, Skill Up considers this a very successful piloting, with a very high satisfaction rate in the participants, and with the hope of a lasting impact in the target group.

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